Friday, May 13, 2011


There are black outs....and time outs....and cut outs....and baseball outs....fall outs......cut outs...put outs.....shout outs......but this is the first time I have had a "blog-out".

bogger was out - they said only a short time...on Wednesday......and it finally went back up sometime on Friday.....speculation had people saying there is an upgrade......some said it was maintenance.

So what did you do when you could not blog....when you could not comment........did you pick up a phone and call someone?  Did you Twitter or Facebook instead?  Are you behind on your giveaways and contests?

I will tell you what I did.............I went shopping...........

but now I am back to blog..........have a great weekend......and dont forget to..........


  1. I went shopping and tweeted my little heart out at the same time.

    For a little while today, blogger and twitter were down... I just about lost my mind!

    ~Lady Hill

  2. The things that drive us crazy....:)
