Sunday, May 22, 2011

Cat got your tongue?

I write and I write....I draft and I pre-post for the days I cannot where are the comments.  Have you nothing to say?  I try to comment on all the posts that I you comment?  Do you find nothing to say?  I have days like that.....I just want to commenting....but then there comes a blog along the way that says..."leave me a comment"

So, dont be shy......leave a note or two......or does the cat really have your tongue?


  1. 95% of the time, I comment. I figure if you are already there..... only rarely I won't and that is usually because the blog is more specific product oriented and they don't need another generic 'wow, love your stuff' comment.

  2. Hello, Agnes, how are you today? Kind of a dreary day here in Brooklyn, huh. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving comments. Have a good one!

  3. Usually I comment, but I am new here and still trying to figure stuff out. Thank you for following my blog, pumped on caffeine. I am following your also. I saw that you were on blogfrog, and followed you there as well. I look forward to reading you blogs and commenting.

  4. I finally found the link to your blog for reason it took me through etsy and other channels. anyway i am so glad to finally be here and I thank you for each kind and lovely comment you have left in the past... so great to finally be able to keep up with your writings.

  5. Ha ha! I can read so much more when I'm not stopping to comment, but I hear ya it's great to connect with readers!

  6. Just dropped in to see how your e-book challenge was coming along. Congrats on being up to 13 your well on your way to making your goal, and reading some great books to boot. I so need to update my list. Have a fantastic week.

  7. LOL.. I don't know that saying.. Does the cat have your tongue.. think it is funny... so true though, I have days where I think don't make your comments so long ... other days where I just do not know what to say... I came yo your blog through the Saturday Stalker.. alright.. came in to this post, let me go see the others... Have a great weekend! ~

  8. I know how you feel. I like comments too!

    It's my first time to your blog thanks to Redhead Riter.

    I enjoyed looking in your shop too and really like your earrings, especially the turquoise set.

    Have a Peaceful Day!
