Sunday, March 6, 2011

Notice my pages???

I have took me two years to figure out how to do this and still not sure I am doing it right.....can anyone lend me a 5 year old?  Why do they seem to take this computer stuff in stride?

They have no fear that they are going to crash the computer I guess.  Talking about monitor on my desktop is not working....guess it crashed.....not even sure about least I still have my laptop..

So back to my pages,  I made one for my cruise and another for a new etsy line that I am adding to my shop......soon to come, to keep an eye out on that page because you will see it here for the first time....even before it gets into my shop......

Here's a sneak peek....oops, sorry I cant give it away just yet.....So check out my other pages and please, please, leave a comment....I just love comments.

While you are here, have you checked out my Bead Soup Party yet?   There were 210 people involved (I am still hopping around checking everyone out, there's a list and links).....Lori Anderson put this together, hooked us up with each other, we exchanged beads and findings, and had to create something.  This is my first blog hop......and it was a challenge......but I had fun......and became friends with Cathryn.......

So, its Sunday......a great day for blog's raining here in's either laundry or blog hopping......what a choice.......what would you do?  ......and be honest.

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