Saturday, March 5, 2011

Coffee Anyone?

So I could not wait to win the new Keurig Coffee maker......that was a giveaway.....check out my previous blog  because I love - absolutely love this coffee maker....So while watching tv one day (you see hubby is retired and watches alot of tv) my hubby knew I loved this coffee maker and guess what, yes, he ordered finally came Friday.....unpacked it and set it up.....loving mornings that we rise at 5 am (because I am still working) and have to get out of the house - push a button, here's your coffee

and what kind of coffee would you like?  take your pick....

I can get used to there is no wasted coffee, cleaning of the coffee pot, dropping and breaking the coffee pot (if I drop a cup.....I have loads of cups).....this could work......



  1. What a nice guy!!! Being a coffee addict, I would love one of those coffee pots :)

    Have a wonderful day . . . Gina
