Saturday, February 12, 2011


Finally.......its been hectic all week, I dont even know where to begin....from Monday in court through Friday.....when my son had a car accident (he's fine) to a friend's mom passing today I just had to relax....and the best way was a pedicure and manicure...

.........ahh, so relaxing.....then a bit of shopping, and now to make dinner as the kids and grandkids are coming for a visit.....

But to look on the bright side, it wasnt a major accident and today the sun even came out (for a few minutes anyway)  So, bring on the spaghetti and meatballs...........


  1. Hey I just wanted to say thanks a lot for the kind words on my website. Im following your site and I'm going to make sure I follow up on what your writing.

  2. One of these days I'm going to treat myself to a pedicure. One of these days...:)
