Monday, February 21, 2011

Tea Time

The kids and grandkids were over on of my gifts from my Scott and his wife, Dawn was Tea of the Month.....I am a big big tea drinker.  I love my coffee but too much of that doesnt agree with my tummy.  So while I can have one or two cups early in the day....I watch what I have at night.

So I have become a tea tea, cold tea, iced tea....well, today I received my first shipment of my 6 shipment tea.  It's loose tea - but thats ok, I would like to try that since I do have a tea I get to use it.....but the surprise was I also received a cup to use for my tea....

thank you again, dear children.....

two containers of loose tea and a mug......the mug reads  "Sweet Dreams" "According to new research, drinking a cup or more of tea on a daily basis may make you 50 percent less likely to have nightmares than occasional or non-drinkers...."  Works for me.

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