Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Two Year Anniversary

Today marks the two year anniversary of my blogging...Two years, where did it go and what did I accomplish?  So far I have 162 followers.......made loads of new friends, learned so many crafts.....and got information on things like blogging, html, shopping, featuring shops, coupons, babies, grandbabies, happiness, sorrows and that there is a whole world out there that the internet has brought closer.

I am two years closer to retirement...I have lost 30 lbs.....my jewelry shop at Etsy is coming along...It could be better, but one day it will.....Still have alot to learn and my networking skills are improving.....I now know how to Facebook and opened a page or two on that.  There are many people who Like Me on FB.

And so I will continue to make jewelry, blog, facebook, and learn more crafts.  And who knows what the next two years will bring.......as long as its in good health, I have no complaints.


  1. well done dear on the 2 year anniversary achievements dear!! i have once suggestion that could make everything more professional... and i really love using it! LOL www.mybannermaker.com is the freee way to make your very own banners that you can use your own link on, pictures and more! have a look.. I have used them for my affiliate system now and do feel it should help make my website more professional and shout out 'MEAN BUSINESS' hee hee xx

  2. Congrats on 2 years!

    Found you via the Retail Therapy blog hop, nice to meet you and I am now following you. I'd love a follow back! www.artsychaos.blogspot.com

  3. Congratulations on your anniversary!

  4. Congratulations on blogging for 2 years! I really enjoy reading your blog.
