Today I went to work, feeling like "another Monday" but realizing it will be a short week. When I arrived at work I was met with sadness as we found out today that this morning a colleague passed away. She was retired for about 3 years and although she had cancer we found out she died from a massive heart attack. When you get to my age and your friends are passing away, it makes you feel even more sad. That is why we must cherish every day we have here because you never know.
So when another colleague came over to me this afternoon with an attitude and a nasty disposition, I did not retaliate or even get upset. I let her rant and rave and then quietly told her my side and then instructed her to go to administration if she had any further issues. I told my boss what happened and she instructed me to document it and attach it to her file.
Life is too short to fight, hug and kiss your children, your family, your parents....we are not here long, so enjoy every minute.
On a happier note, I came home today and checked my computer and found that a piece of my jewelry was featured in the ETSY TREASURY, so please check it out. and dont forget to find me on Facebook and "like" my jewelry page. You can never have too many "likes".
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