Sunday, February 9, 2020

Review: Play Dirty

Play Dirty Play Dirty by Sandra Brown
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After five long years in federal prison, Griff Burkett is a free man. But the disgraced quarterback can never return to life as he knew it before he was caught cheating. In a place where football is practically a religion, Griff committed a cardinal sin, and no one is forgiving.

And so we follow what Griff goes through being spurned by the community for what he did. But there is one person who isn't spurning him. But offering him a deal that even Griff can't believe. The Speakman's offer brings Griff more trouble than he bargained for. Will he manage to get out of it? Or end up going back to jail?

A fast paced book has you turning the pages and being intrigued by not only the offer but the many pitfalls and twists in the book. A great read by a great author. #KindleUnlimited #fivestars

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