Sunday, May 5, 2013

Poor baby......

Recently my son and his wife wanted to go away for the day and asked us to watch overnight two of their three sons.  We gladly did it...picking up the boys in the morning and of course, making a stop at the local supermarket to stock up on some food and snacks.....

we made plans to take the boys out on such a beautiful day it was, but alas that did not happen because upon returning from the store....J....told us he wasn't feeling good.  Temperature read at 101....gave him some Tylenol and he laid down on the couch and slept for two hours......9 year olds rarely do that, unless they are sick.

Upon waking up, he did say he was feeling better, temperature read a bit we just hung out at home, watching baseball and relaxing....and then toward evening it hit put a call into mom and dad who will be coming home to take poor baby to doctor to find out exactly whats going on.  Grandpa had a good idea of having him lie down on a cool wet towel and one for his head.....and the fever did drop.......but he still has 100..and something is not right.....will find out today.

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