Monday, March 18, 2013

Crime of PrivilegeCrime of Privilege by Walter Walker

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was asked to review this Advanced Readers Copy of Crime of Privilege. When I received the book I was already reading another. While I have read two books at a time, I prefer not too. But somehow, I started reading this book which starts off with an ADA who must solve a cold case of a young woman's murder. And I could not put it down.....

We're off on the longest journey anyone can have. Travelling all over to get the real facts and being pitted against one of the wealthiest families in town only to find out that the rich take care of their own and sometimes hide their mistakes. George Beckett learns the hard way that money, connections, and rules do not apply to the Gregory family.

Although the book kept me turning the pages, it was not the ending I was expecting....but maybe that is what makes this a good book. Or you can think about "changing the names"'ll understand when you read the book!

View all my reviews

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