Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Is there something wrong.....

....with me?  I AM NOT A COUPON PERSON.....sorry all you couponers.....maybe I am just getting old and cutting out coupons is time consuming...when there are so many other things I would rather be doing.....I must confess that if I do get an email with a coupon, I print it out and take it to the store....but those coupons that are stuck in the papers every day or way.

So this is an ongoing battle with hubby.  who feels I should be collecting coupons.  They lay on my dining room table, just waiting to be cut out.....and they stay there until they have expired and then I recycle them......I feel since hubby is retired, and he loves coupons, he should take over this job....I still work all day, have the grandkids to feed and do homework with....and am really not into coupons.....but I do know that it saves money - which I am all for....except cutting coupons is not my thing....I recently cleaned out my glove compartment in my car and found coupons from October - 2011 .....  I am so bad with collecting them....


So, are there any others out there that DO NOT cut out coupons?  I do know alot of bloggers out there live to cut them out and I sometimes read blogs about how much money they save....but it hasnt pushed me to do anything different.....I need someone on my side....anyone.....

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