Thursday, January 5, 2012

Blog Hops....gotta love em

Faithful Cafe has a Tuesday Blog Hop going on.  I hooked up with a few blogs...very nice people...but one blog got my interest.....Diary of a Working Mom because she listed on her blog 12 in 2012....not resolutions but a checkoff list of things she would like to I added my list to her blog and also here for my blog followers.....What's on your list?

12 is a good start….but there is so much more to do ….here are some of mine…..lose weight, walk more, design more jewelry, work on retirement plans, have more “me” time (after 5 kids and 7 grandkids, who has the time?) read more (I hit a goal of 43 books, going to up that to 50 this year); start decluttering the house; blog more, take more pictures, make albums of pictures of my children (give each one their own album); start crocheting again and stay healthy.

It seems if we make a list, maybe, just maybe we can go back and cross off the things we have done.....and if not, there is always next year......

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