Monday, September 5, 2011

What do you do when.......

To all my fellow book readers.....I ask you this question....

What do you do when you are reading a book and realize you no longer have any interest in it....maybe it is too long, too boring, not really getting the can be, do you put it down to 1. be picked up later or 2. never finished....or 3. trudge through the book to the ending to to say you finished it or maybe it will get better?

I am in that dilemma now and dont know what to do...I have another book I am dying to start but feel obligated to finish this one....I am 3/4 of the way done already......and then I write reviews on the books I read.....what kind of review will that be?

So please fellow book readers....any comments?


  1. I have found that sometimes a book doesn't come together until the last few chapters and then it really takes off. If you can trudge through it since you have almost finished it, you may be surprised....or at least you will be able to review it more thoroughly. You can always go ahead and start the other book while you're trying to finish this one. Sometimes I'm reading 3 or 4 at a time.

  2. Hey! Just stopping by to follow you and "like" you on FB. Thanks for following at GreeN MaM-a JaM-a!
    God bless!
    If you are interested in food giveaways, I have a couple going on...I'd love for you to check them out!

    I hope you don't mind me posting that.
    Have a good one,
    Jessi G.

  3. No problem to check out giveaways....going to do one myself soon....or as soon as I can figure out how lol
