Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I am a bad girl

I am now working on overload.....overload at home, at work, outside, inside, and all around the town.  Only a few days left of school and the deadlines are getting worst, and the computers are overloaded and nothing is getting done.....parents come in and leave and return all in one month....the phone rings off the wall constantly.....not enough time in the day to complete all the task....

That's not enough because on the way home there is always shopping to do, then get home to cook, clean and help grandkids with homework.....the weekends come and go by so fast.....

So, I have been a bad girls because

I havent been sitting down at my craft table to make any jewelry,

havent read any of my magazines or books....although sometimes late at night I try to catch up with my book.....

.I also have to work on a speech for a friend of mine who is retiring......

excited about the new grandbaby soon to come this fall....another boy we just found out.....

still have to get an oil change on the car......

Grandson's birthday is also coming up end of month....

Finally applied today for my passport, although leaving in 3 weeks.....have to start packing and buying stuff for the trip.....

Father's Day is Sunday, so I am BBQing but still have to get meat, etc. for it.

SO PLEASE FORGIVE ME IF I DONT GET ONLINE THESE DAYS AND BLOG....which is my favorite thing to do....but I just cant seem to fit everything in......I was told to prioritize....but...everything is important......I suppose it will all get down......but I just feel tired writing about it.....

Are you busier than usual these days?  What is keeping you hopping?  Have a great week.....it's good to be alive......


  1. Thanks for the comment. I love linking up with fellow book readers. :)
