Thursday, June 2, 2011


Who hates it?  Who does it?  Who used to do it?  Are you still doing it?

Growing up I loved school.  Everything about it except the social scene.  Was more a wall flower than a social butterfly.  I got good grades in school and never minded going.  Even when I started work, there was time for part time school......and now that I am way past that stage in my life, I sometimes think of returning to school.....not necessarily to get a degree but just to learn more stuff.  The worst part of school I found was

HOMEWORK......I know it a review of the work done in class all day....but as a typical student, I hated it....even all the way to college.  Now that I am past that stage and even past the stage where I helped my children with their homework.....I relax in the idea that I will never have to deal with homework again. 

Think not.....................because now I do home work with the grandchildren....Easy you say?
Think not........because they have changed everything since I was in school.  I have no idea what the new math is about, while that wasnt my thing anyway......Reading and Writing were my thing.  Give me a paper to write, I had no problem...........Math?  Oh my!

So now my question is..........what did you think of school?  Still doing homework? yourself or with your kids?  Are you having problems with homework?

Put on your thinking cap and give a shout out for .............HOMEWORK


  1. oh's say i am glad school is almost out.

  2. Lovely posting foe home work . really its very funny posting i like it .thanks
