Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hospitals Part 2

Wednesday was the most harrowing day for me....we arrived at the hospital at 7:30 because we had an 8:30 procedure for hubby, but apparently the doctor never faxed over the blood results and he insisted he did.....but anyway it postponed the procedure until 10:30.....we never got the results but the hospital went ahead and did their own tests.

He finally went into the OR and by 12:30 I saw the doctor who advised us all was well, no cancer, but he had some other problems but they were minor.  When he awakes in recovery he can get dressed and go home...see the doc in a week.

Sounds good?  Well it didnt go that way.....he was starving when he awoke - this was at 2:30 pm but they did feed him....we finally got discharged with pain killers and antibiotics home by 3:30.......rested for an hour when the patient decided he could not urinate......called doctor, told to come into the office..............where a catheter was inserted.  (no need to get graphic, please google if you dont know what this is)  Ouch.....

This stays in all weekend....until Tuesday......not a very good thing.  So we are staying home this holiday weekend, resting and hopefully not too uncomfortable.  I dont know about any one else, but men do not make good patients......I gave birth to 5 children, had a gall bladder operation and a hysterectomy......I do know what pain is.....but this weekend we will be coddling the hubby because we all know men cannot take pain......imagine if they had to have the babies.....

On that note, at least the weather will be great.....and we do have a big I will be doing alot of reading, relaxing and taking care of hubby.....Hope everyone has a great weekend.  Dont eat too much......and remember our men in service.....those who have left us, those currently in service (my nephew) and for all future vets......Bless you and thanks for keeping us safe.

 Good food, good friends, good times


  1. I hope your hubby is feeling better. Thank you for visiting Yummy Mummy!

  2. Hello, there! I'm now following you,too! Lovely place you got here! :o) (I follow through RSS, not Google Friend. Just FYI.)
