Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Five Questions.......

Tidbits Earthly Delights has put the following questions out there for an answer......and here  they are.....


1.  What is your favorite kind of muffin?
             Chocolate Chip......even though I am on a diet.

2.  What was the first car you ever owned?
              Buick LeSabre.....blue, I believe it was a 1968  - I took it cross country in 1970.

3.  Which TV Show were you sad to see end?
               I Love Lucy....but I still watch the re-runs.

4.  What is your lucky number?
                22  - I was married on the 22nd....

5.  Pretzels or Potato Chips?
                 Mmmm...that's hard....love them both but lean more to potato chips....

How about you?


  1. hi beader, nice to be here again... i would sya my favorite number is 10.. cos every october, i somehow will make extra money :)

    and my fav muffin is blueberry with orange.. great idea. have a nice day

  2. hi beader, nice to be here again... i would sya my favorite number is 10.. cos every october, i somehow will make extra money :)

    and my fav muffin is blueberry with orange.. great idea. have a nice day
