Monday, January 3, 2011

BESTeam Feature - Little Peach Fuzz

My next assignment involved Little Peach Fuzz and when I clicked on her site, I found jewelry and I have a jewelry shop online, so what could I really say about a another jewelry shop?  I thought I was going to compete against myself.....but when I stopped on by her shop I found the most unusual items for sale.

There are her crocheted necklaces....and somehow she puts beads in between.  I would have never thought of doing different.

..but I must say my personal favorite was her button earrings...I recently went to Michaels (craft store) and bought containers of buttons (they were only $1.00) and never used them.....these earrings are giving me ideas.....

And if jewelry is not your thing right now...check out her everyone needs a headband.....

If you are an Etsian...dont forget to "favorite" her never know what she may sell.

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