Monday, December 13, 2010

Thanks Gina....

Gina stopped by my blog today and when I went to visit her she had these five questions I decided to add my two cents (make that five cents)......thanks Gina

1.  How do you order your steak?
            I dont eat steak.
2.  Are you superstitious about anything?

            Only one thing...when you hear of a death - it usually comes in threes.....and it has always happened...unfortunately.
3.  Who is your best friend (not including your spouse)?

             My friend Grace who I have known since our boys were in Kindergarten....they are now 35.
4.  When is the last time your wore a dress (for the guys...a suit)?

               At my son's wedding 2-1/2 years even realize that one.
5.  Do you have any trips scheduled?

        not at this time but am looking into a cruise (never been on one) for the summer of 2011....


1 comment:

  1. Stopping by and following your blog from the Give it to me Monday blog hop...
    Have a happy holiday season!
