Friday, December 31, 2010

A fellow grandma.......

Grandma Bonnie's Closet 

Found a fellow grandma..........while I love the young ones and all their babies (I did the whole stay at home scene with my five kids) it is nice to meet a fellow grandma and share grandkids stories.... all it shows is that life flies by so fast, so enjoy every minute and kiss your children often.....hugs too....

And if you are a fellow grandma, check out Grandma Bonnie's Closet.....and lets share stories.


  1. Hello! I’ve hopped from the 2011 blog hop. I'm not a Grandma (yet) but love your earrings on this site. Anyway I am your newest follower.
    Please drop by and maybe follow me if you fancy a laugh. I'd be delighted to welcome you.
    Friendly wishes and a very Happy New Year.
    Carol from

  2. Stopping by to follow you from the Ring in 2011 Blog Hop. Have a wonderful New Year!
    Adelaide from

  3. Hi! I'm following you from the Busy Moms Team on Etsy.

  4. Hello. I discovered you via the ring in 2011 blog hop. I am a new fan! I would love for you to viist me @
    I am hoping to reach my 200 fans before 2011!
    Happy New Year!
