Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I am a great cook...have been doing it for almost 40 years....left home, cooked for self, then married.....hubby and I ate easy meals....and then the babies came.....cooked for 7, then we had to get a puppy (he stayed for 13 years) and although there was dog food...he preferred mine.  Then Father in Law moved in.....now you are talking 8 and 1 dog.....of course when the kids got bigger their friends were always over and they ate like boys usually do......

Now that they are all grown, pop and the dog passed on, there is only hubby and me.  And we dont really cook.....sometimes I make a big dinner on Sunday and that means left overs....but hubby is not fussy and now that we can....we like to go out to dinner, or lunch or even breakfast....this is our time......I also love my crock pot....but....

tonight my son and his family was invited over for dinner and I came home and started cooking...it felt good but really.....take out would have been better for me......lets see what they say .....

oops....got to put up the spaghetti......this is fun.....


  1. How is that Garden Lites brand? I don't do frozen much. Our freezer usually only holds ice, but I really need to start planning for after I have this baby and I'm thinking in addition to the pre-assembled crock pot meals I'll put together, I need to put some throw-in-the-oven stuff. I've tried Amy's, Kashi, Annies, Seeds of Change, but never Garden Lites. Let me know!

  2. Hi Sofia...its not bad but a little watery and the portion is very very small. Frozen foods are good once in a while for a change...this was a quick dinner and it was the only vegetable I had available at the time...there are some that dont need to be frozen and can stay in the refrigerator...dont remember the name but will get back to you. thanks for stopping by....
