Saturday, August 4, 2018

Time to Do Something

So all the kids are out of the house - and you have Empty Nest Syndrome.

Done with the laundry, putting babies to sleep, feeding the young and older ones, making big dinners while there are now only two of you and you dont even know what to make for dinner. 

You are retired so you can awake at any time.  And then what do you do?  Clean the house again, go grocery shopping for the third time this week.  Your friends are still working - is there someone else who is retired and you can have lunch with them?

But then you realize there is something you can do.  It is part time, it is easy, you have a website where you can interact with people and get them the items they need.

And so you become an Avon Rep...Get out of the house, meet people, tell them you sell Avon, give them a current brochure.  Get orders and place them and make a profit of 40%

Is it raining by you?  No problem, get online and post in your blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc and let the world know YOU SELL AVON.

Too expensive you say?  Not right now - right now you can join for only $10....that's right $10.

Join my team today and make Avon your business....with a Free Website, help to get you started, and $71 dollars worth of products to give you a boost. 

Not sure yet?  Contact me with any questions....

Decided already?  Great, go to and use reference code - ashapiro

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