Friday, August 10, 2018 you read them?

Growing up I wasnt much of a book reader.  We lived in an area close to the beach and everyday meant playing outside.  We were never in the house from early morning to sunset.  Everything was done outside.  We could have read outside I suppose, but it was more fun playing or bike riding or going to the beach.  We were outdoor kids.

It wasnt until I was a teenager did I discover books.  The first one I read was A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.  I just downloaded it to my Kindle to read it again.  (Among my many TBR list)  But since then I found the time to read and found I loved the escape into other lives and while I still played outside I did my reading at night before bed.

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Now I am never without a book.  Of course reading has become easier since the Kindle.  I carry all 1700 books with me everyday.  It is always in my tote bag because you never know when I will have to wait for something (doctors office, airport, in car waiting for grandson to finish his classes, or just sitting on the patio relaxing before company).

I read in the morning during breakfast, take a break in the afternoon and of course at night when nothing else is planned.  And I still read before going to bed.  There are days that no reading gets done because life isnt all about reading.  

So, books - do you read them?  And when?   


  1. Wow, you have 1700 books on your Kindle! I think I only have 3 pages of them on there. I love to read also, always have! I bring it with me when I sub, to read on breaks. I bring it to appointments. I read every night before I go to bed too!

    1. That's what I love about my Kindle...when I finish one book I can start another right away, wherever I am. A lot of the books are free books I find and also get some at 99 cents.
