Sunday, July 22, 2018

Review: Under My Skin

Under My Skin Under My Skin by Lisa Unger
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book I got as an ARC and was thrilled because I truly love reading Lisa Unger. But I must confess that I had a hard time following the story. It centers around Poppy who lost her husband through a brutal murder while he was running in the park. It then goes into how his death affected her, her grief overwhelms her to the point she does weird things, blacking out constantly and getting to the point where she doesnt know what is real anymore.

She is intent on finding out the why and who of her husband's death and the story sways back and forth between before Jack and after Jack. I might have given it 3 stars except I really could not figure out the who and why he was killed. This I did not find out until the end of the book and was both surprised annoyed that I did not see it before.

And so I have given it 4 stars because of this and will continue to read more books by Unger. This book is due to be released October 2, 2018.

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