Sunday, August 9, 2015

Need Extra Money?

Who doesn't?  How have you been filling in the gaps of your paycheck?  Some people work part time at smaller jobs.  They come home from a full time job and then go to jobs like waitressing or receptionist....some people work on weekends in addition to their full time jobs.  Exhausting and not very rewarding....hard work.

I too work full time and instead of going to a second job, have decided to work from the comfort of my home (with a few side trips).  You see I sell Avon.  Yes, I distribute books all over but usually wherever I am.  Start a conversation with someone - hand them a book and/or business card.  And then there are the online customers....easy as pie.  Customers get better deals online and free shipping.

If you are interested or willing to try it, come join my team....easy as pie and only $15.00 (which goes to Avon, not me)  Check it out here:  (Please use the reference code in order to join my team)  Hoping to "see" you soon.

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