Sunday, February 6, 2011

Forget the Super Bowl Party.....

......I want the Bead Soup Blog Party!!!!

I received such a great package from Cathryn, my Bead Soup Partner, that I dont know where to begin.  I am not only excited about this being my first time participating, but I have learned so much and next year I hope to do better.

Some of the things I learned was to label the Soup that you send to your partner....

Add a little "hello" card.......

Although I did send a "gift" to Cathryn......she sent a beautiful stash......words cant explain how beautiful...take a look...Now how did she know turquoise and black and white were my favorites...

She even included a card from the source of her beads.....nice idea....these are all going into my "Bead Book" for next year.

Cathryn is teaching me so much.

And then she wrapped them all up and placed it in a pretty blue bag.......but that was not the end of it..................she surprised me with...........

these earrings.....Thank you Cathryn..  You made me feel like a princess and I hope my creativity somehow will show my appreciation for this wonderful Bead Soup.   Now to put my thinking cap on.....


  1. Awwwwwwww Agnes! You are too sweet! Thank you for this wonderful post! And I LOVE the photos--I could not remember what I had sent you. This is not the first time--I blame it on the years I worked as a portrait studio manager. If I took your picture, I remembered you for life. If I didn't, I couldn't remember to save my life! LOL

    Anyway--thank you! You will do wonderfully on this! I feel it in me bones! :D

  2. Such awesomeness! And here I am the hostess of the party, and I am learning things from all the participants, too -- never doubt that!
