Monday, February 7, 2011

Courtly Monday

Today I spent the WHOLE day in Court.  No it wasnt anything I did.  I was just called to testify...but that is not the subject of this blog.  I want to elaborate on the day I just went through.....I was told to come in at 8:30 am......I was a bit late due to the traffic going downtown.....parking was not a problem as I put the car in a lot....but it was bumper to bumper traffic getting there.

I proceeded to the office and then after a brief session was told to report to court at 10:00 am....where I sat and sat until 11:30 am.....when I was told they were breaking for come back at 2:15 pm  --- some lunch.....I didnt know what to do with all the time.......but luckily I brought a book and had some time to sit and relax and read.....I even took a picture or two of our beautiful city.....

It's a little overcast......surprise, we are expecting snow again tonight.................

Upon returning to the court, I then sat and sat, and sat. In the hallway, which was cold.... I was finally called into the court at about 3:30 pm and was done at 3:45 pm......told to go home.....which I tried but found myself in bumper to bumper traffic again - making it home for around 5:00pm  (Not bad because it is clocked as a 40 minute travel time.)

So needless to say............I if I dont make comments on the 225 blogs I am looking through tonight...........please forgive me.......

I am so happy to go back to work tomorrow!  Now how many times do you hear that!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I have jury duty for the next six I do not look forward to spending my days in court. I'll bring a book with me since I can't grade papers online.
