Monday, February 28, 2011

Blog Anyone?

I like to blog every day....but life gets in the way...Sometimes I actually do a few blogs and date them for the days ahead....But alas I have fallen this will be short....

Just to let you know that I am busy blog hopping for Lorilee's Bead Soup Blog Party of which I became a participant for the first time this year.....I really enjoyed being creative and hope to participate in her next one...

If you havent seen my entry yet, just click here and check it out.....please leave a comment of your is a long blog but worth checking out.

We also have to hop to each other's blogs and there are 210 each night I sit down at my laptop (did I tell you my desktop is not feeling well?  It seems the monitor doesnt want to go on) but I am managing and have finally completed

a quarter of the blogs....that about 50 -----  I love hopping but I do love to leave if I dont get to blog much it is just because I am busy hopping are welcome to join me....and I will try to keep blogging everyday.....and if you are on Networked Blogs....please follow.....

Until then,  I am 

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